- 本地调试我们通过实现了net.Listener接口的ListenerPipe来模拟类似TcpListener的Accept建立通信连接的操作,ListenerPipe是在net.Pipe上建立起来的,这样整个service层的通信接口就可以统一用网络层的通信接口来完成;
- 远程调试我们就可以通过真正的网络通信来完成了,为了简化收包、解包、编解码、序列化的问题,我们可以直接使用go标准库提供的json-rpc实现来完成调试器前后端的网络通信;
本地调试时调试器前后端该如何通讯呢?我们熟知的进程间通信手段有很多,比如pipe、fifo、shm等。而在go程序中,goroutines之间通讯广泛采用通信串行处理的思想(Communicating Sequential Processes,简称CSP),即通过chan通信。
- rdRx,只可读的chan,用来读取管道另一端发送的数据;
- rdTx,只可写的chan,用来向管道另一端发送数据;
type pipe struct {
wrMu sync.Mutex // Serialize Write operations
// Used by local Read to interact with remote Write.
// Successful receive on rdRx is always followed by send on rdTx.
rdRx <-chan []byte
rdTx chan<- int
// Used by local Write to interact with remote Read.
// Successful send on wrTx is always followed by receive on wrRx.
wrTx chan<- []byte
wrRx <-chan int
once sync.Once // Protects closing localDone
localDone chan struct{}
remoteDone <-chan struct{}
readDeadline pipeDeadline
writeDeadline pipeDeadline
net.Pipe() (Conn, Conn)
// Pipe creates a synchronous, in-memory, full duplex
// network connection; both ends implement the Conn interface.
// Reads on one end are matched with writes on the other,
// copying data directly between the two; there is no internal
// buffering.
func Pipe() (Conn, Conn) {
cb1 := make(chan []byte)
cb2 := make(chan []byte)
cn1 := make(chan int)
cn2 := make(chan int)
done1 := make(chan struct{})
done2 := make(chan struct{})
p1 := &pipe{
rdRx: cb1, rdTx: cn1,
wrTx: cb2, wrRx: cn2,
localDone: done1, remoteDone: done2,
readDeadline: makePipeDeadline(),
writeDeadline: makePipeDeadline(),
p2 := &pipe{
rdRx: cb2, rdTx: cn2,
wrTx: cb1, wrRx: cn1,
localDone: done2, remoteDone: done1,
readDeadline: makePipeDeadline(),
writeDeadline: makePipeDeadline(),
return p1, p2
net.Pipe() (Conn, Conn)
net.Pipe() (Conn, Conn)
这样,当本地调试时,我们就不通过net.Listen(network, address)
// Client represents a client of a debugger service. All client methods are synchronous.
type Client interface {
// ProcessPid Returns the pid of the process we are debugging.
ProcessPid() int
// LastModified returns the time that the process' executable was modified.
LastModified() time.Time
// Detach detaches the debugger, optionally killing the process.
Detach(killProcess bool) error
// Restarts program. Set true if you want to rebuild the process we are debugging.
Restart(rebuild bool) ([]api.DiscardedBreakpoint, error)
// GetState returns the current debugger state.
GetState() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// GetStateNonBlocking returns the current debugger state, returning immediately if the target is already running.
GetStateNonBlocking() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// Continue resumes process execution.
Continue() <-chan *api.DebuggerState
// DirectionCongruentContinue resumes process execution, if a next, step or stepout operation is in progress it will resume execution.
DirectionCongruentContinue() <-chan *api.DebuggerState
// Next continues to the next source line, not entering function calls.
Next() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// Step continues to the next source line, entering function calls.
Step() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// StepOut continues to the return address of the current function.
StepOut() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// Call resumes process execution while making a function call.
Call(goroutineID int, expr string, unsafe bool) (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// SingleStep will step a single cpu instruction.
StepInstruction() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// SwitchThread switches the current thread context.
SwitchThread(threadID int) (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// SwitchGoroutine switches the current goroutine (and the current thread as well)
SwitchGoroutine(goroutineID int) (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// Halt suspends the process.
Halt() (*api.DebuggerState, error)
// GetBreakpoint gets a breakpoint by ID.
GetBreakpoint(id int) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// GetBreakpointByName gets a breakpoint by name.
GetBreakpointByName(name string) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// CreateBreakpoint creates a new breakpoint.
CreateBreakpoint(*api.Breakpoint) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// CreateWatchpoint creates a new watchpoint.
CreateWatchpoint(api.EvalScope, string, api.WatchType) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// ListBreakpoints gets all breakpoints.
ListBreakpoints(bool) ([]*api.Breakpoint, error)
// ClearBreakpoint deletes a breakpoint by ID.
ClearBreakpoint(id int) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// ClearBreakpointByName deletes a breakpoint by name
ClearBreakpointByName(name string) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// ToggleBreakpoint toggles on or off a breakpoint by ID.
ToggleBreakpoint(id int) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// ToggleBreakpointByName toggles on or off a breakpoint by name.
ToggleBreakpointByName(name string) (*api.Breakpoint, error)
// Allows user to update an existing breakpoint for example to change the information
// retrieved when the breakpoint is hit or to change, add or remove the break condition
AmendBreakpoint(*api.Breakpoint) error
// Cancels a Next or Step call that was interrupted by a manual stop or by another breakpoint
CancelNext() error
// ListThreads lists all threads.
ListThreads() ([]*api.Thread, error)
// GetThread gets a thread by its ID.
GetThread(id int) (*api.Thread, error)
// ListPackageVariables lists all package variables in the context of the current thread.
ListPackageVariables(filter string, cfg api.LoadConfig) ([]api.Variable, error)
// EvalVariable returns a variable in the context of the current thread.
EvalVariable(scope api.EvalScope, symbol string, cfg api.LoadConfig) (*api.Variable, error)
// SetVariable sets the value of a variable
SetVariable(scope api.EvalScope, symbol, value string) error
// ListSources lists all source files in the process matching filter.
ListSources(filter string) ([]string, error)
// ListFunctions lists all functions in the process matching filter.
ListFunctions(filter string) ([]string, error)
// ListTypes lists all types in the process matching filter.
ListTypes(filter string) ([]string, error)
// ListLocals lists all local variables in scope.
ListLocalVariables(scope api.EvalScope, cfg api.LoadConfig) ([]api.Variable, error)
// ListFunctionArgs lists all arguments to the current function.
ListFunctionArgs(scope api.EvalScope, cfg api.LoadConfig) ([]api.Variable, error)
// ListThreadRegisters lists registers and their values, for the given thread.
ListThreadRegisters(threadID int, includeFp bool) (api.Registers, error)
// ListScopeRegisters lists registers and their values, for the given scope.
ListScopeRegisters(scope api.EvalScope, includeFp bool) (api.Registers, error)
// ListGoroutines lists all goroutines.
ListGoroutines(start, count int) ([]*api.Goroutine, int, error)
// ListGoroutinesWithFilter lists goroutines matching the filters
ListGoroutinesWithFilter(start, count int, filters []api.ListGoroutinesFilter, group *api.GoroutineGroupingOptions) ([]*api.Goroutine, []api.GoroutineGroup, int, bool, error)
// Returns stacktrace
Stacktrace(goroutineID int, depth int, opts api.StacktraceOptions, cfg *api.LoadConfig) ([]api.Stackframe, error)
// Returns ancestor stacktraces
Ancestors(goroutineID int, numAncestors int, depth int) ([]api.Ancestor, error)
// Returns whether we attached to a running process or not
AttachedToExistingProcess() bool
// Returns concrete location information described by a location expression
// loc ::= <filename>:<line> | <function>[:<line>] | /<regex>/ | (+|-)<offset> | <line> | *<address>
// * <filename> can be the full path of a file or just a suffix
// * <function> ::= <package>.<receiver type>.<name> | <package>.(*<receiver type>).<name> | <receiver type>.<name> | <package>.<name> | (*<receiver type>).<name> | <name>
// * <function> must be unambiguous
// * /<regex>/ will return a location for each function matched by regex
// * +<offset> returns a location for the line that is <offset> lines after the current line
// * -<offset> returns a location for the line that is <offset> lines before the current line
// * <line> returns a location for a line in the current file
// * *<address> returns the location corresponding to the specified address
// NOTE: this function does not actually set breakpoints.
// If findInstruction is true FindLocation will only return locations that correspond to instructions.
FindLocation(scope api.EvalScope, loc string, findInstruction bool, substitutePathRules [][2]string) ([]api.Location, error)
// Disassemble code between startPC and endPC
DisassembleRange(scope api.EvalScope, startPC, endPC uint64, flavour api.AssemblyFlavour) (api.AsmInstructions, error)
// Disassemble code of the function containing PC
DisassemblePC(scope api.EvalScope, pc uint64, flavour api.AssemblyFlavour) (api.AsmInstructions, error)
// SetReturnValuesLoadConfig sets the load configuration for return values.
// FunctionReturnLocations return locations when function `fnName` returns
FunctionReturnLocations(fnName string) ([]uint64, error)
// IsMulticlien returns true if the headless instance is multiclient.
IsMulticlient() bool
// ListDynamicLibraries returns a list of loaded dynamic libraries.
ListDynamicLibraries() ([]api.Image, error)
// ExamineMemory returns the raw memory stored at the given address.
// The amount of data to be read is specified by length which must be less than or equal to 1000.
// This function will return an error if it reads less than `length` bytes.
ExamineMemory(address uint64, length int) ([]byte, bool, error)
// CoreDumpStart starts creating a core dump to the specified file
CoreDumpStart(dest string) (api.DumpState, error)
// CoreDumpWait waits for the core dump to finish, or for the specified amount of milliseconds
CoreDumpWait(msec int) api.DumpState
// CoreDumpCancel cancels a core dump in progress
CoreDumpCancel() error
// Disconnect closes the connection to the server without sending a Detach request first.
// If cont is true a continue command will be sent instead.
Disconnect(cont bool) error
// CallAPI allows calling an arbitrary rpcv2 method (used by starlark bindings)
CallAPI(method string, args, reply interface{}) error
您现在开始感到了惊讶,怎么需要这么多接口?如果我们是做个玩具,那它会相对来说比较简单;如果我们是做个工程,要想能达到可用水准,它一定会变得很复杂。作者当然想尽可能简单地叙述完,但是那样很明显是在应付读者,但我不想那样 :)