







  • size表示一个待读取并显示的数据项包括多少个字节;
  • count表示连续读取并显示多少个这样的数据项;

比如一个int数据项可能包含4个字节,要显示8个int数则要指定-size=4 -count=8


file: cmd/debug/pmem.go

package debug

import (


var pmemCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "pmem ",
    Short: "打印内存数据",
    Annotations: map[string]string{
        cmdGroupKey: cmdGroupInfo,
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {

        count, _ := cmd.Flags().GetUint("count")
        format, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("fmt")
        size, _ := cmd.Flags().GetUint("size")
        addr, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("addr")

        // check params
        err := checkPmemArgs(count, format, size, addr)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // calculate size of memory to read
        readAt, _ := strconv.ParseUint(addr, 0, 64)
        bytes := count * size

        buf := make([]byte, bytes, bytes)
        n, err := syscall.PtracePeekData(TraceePID, uintptr(readAt), buf)
        if err != nil || n != int(bytes) {
            return fmt.Errorf("read %d bytes, error: %v", n, err)

        fmt.Printf("read %d bytes ok:", n)
        for _, b := range buf[:n] {
            fmt.Printf("%x", b)

        return nil

func init() {
    // 类似gdb的命令x/FMT,其中FMT=重复数字+格式化修饰符+size
    pmemCmd.Flags().Uint("count", 16, "查看数值数量")
    pmemCmd.Flags().String("fmt", "hex", "数值打印格式: b(binary), o(octal), x(hex), d(decimal), ud(unsigned decimal)")
    pmemCmd.Flags().Uint("size", 4, "数值占用字节")
    pmemCmd.Flags().String("addr", "", "读取的内存地址")

func checkPmemArgs(count uint, format string, size uint, addr string) error {
    if count == 0 {
        return errors.New("invalid count")
    if size == 0 {
        return errors.New("invalid size")
    formats := map[string]struct{}{
        "b":  {},
        "o":  {},
        "x":  {},
        "d":  {},
        "ud": {},
    if _, ok := formats[format]; !ok {
        return errors.New("invalid format")
    // TODO make it compatible
    _, err := strconv.ParseUint(addr, 0, 64)
    return err



package debug

var pmemCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "pmem ",
    Short: "打印内存数据",
    Annotations: map[string]string{
        cmdGroupKey: cmdGroupInfo,
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {

        // 该函数以美观的tab+padding对齐方式打印数据
        s := prettyPrintMem(uintptr(readAt), buf, isLittleEndian(), format[0], int(size))

        return nil


// prettyPrintMem 使用tabwriter控制对齐.
// 注意结合2、8、10、16进制的显示情况进行适当的格式化处理后,再予以显示,看起来更美观
func prettyPrintMem(address uintptr, memArea []byte, littleEndian bool, format byte, size int) string {

    var (
        cols      int
        colFormat string
        colBytes  = size

        addrLen int
        addrFmt string

    switch format {
    case 'b':
        cols = 4 // Avoid emitting rows that are too long when using binary format
        colFormat = fmt.Sprintf("%%0%db", colBytes*8)
    case 'o':
        cols = 8
        colFormat = fmt.Sprintf("0%%0%do", colBytes*3) // Always keep one leading zero for octal.
    case 'd':
        cols = 8
        colFormat = fmt.Sprintf("%%0%dd", colBytes*3)
    case 'x':
        cols = 8
        colFormat = fmt.Sprintf("0x%%0%dx", colBytes*2) // Always keep one leading '0x' for hex.
        return fmt.Sprintf("not supprted format %q\n", string(format))
    colFormat += "\t"

    l := len(memArea)
    rows := l / (cols * colBytes)
    if l%(cols*colBytes) != 0 {

    // Avoid the lens of two adjacent address are different, so always use the last addr's len to format.
    if l != 0 {
        addrLen = len(fmt.Sprintf("%x", uint64(address)+uint64(l)))
    addrFmt = "0x%0" + strconv.Itoa(addrLen) + "x:\t"

    var b strings.Builder
    w := tabwriter.NewWriter(&b, 0, 0, 3, ' ', 0)

    for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, addrFmt, address)

        for j := 0; j < cols; j++ {
            offset := i*(cols*colBytes) + j*colBytes
            if offset+colBytes <= len(memArea) {
                n := byteArrayToUInt64(memArea[offset:offset+colBytes], littleEndian)
                fmt.Fprintf(w, colFormat, n)
        fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
        address += uintptr(cols)
    return b.String()

// 将byteslice转成uint64数值,注意字节序
func byteArrayToUInt64(buf []byte, isLittleEndian bool) uint64 {
    var n uint64
    if isLittleEndian {
        for i := len(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
            n = n<<8 + uint64(buf[i])
    } else {
        for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
            n = n<<8 + uint64(buf[i])
    return n

// 检测是否是小端字节序
func isLittleEndian() bool {
    buf := [2]byte{}
    *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) = uint16(0xABCD)

    switch buf {
    case [2]byte{0xCD, 0xAB}:
        return true
    case [2]byte{0xAB, 0xCD}:
        return false
        panic("Could not determine native endianness.")


  • 根据机器大小端字节序,对内存中读取到的数据进行正确解析,并转换成对应的数值;
  • 根据数值要显示的进制格式,结合2、8、16、10进制的宽度,通过fmt.Sprintf进行适当格式化,并结合tabwrite通过tab+padding对齐后输出;




首先运行测试程序,获取其pid,然后运行godbg attach <pid>跟踪目标进程,等调试会话就绪后,我们输入disass查看下反汇编数据,显示有很多的int3指令,其对应的字节数据是0xCC,我们可以读取一字节该指令地址处的数据来快速验证pmem是否工作正常。

$ godbg attach 7764
process 7764 attached succ
process 7764 stopped: true
godbg> disass
0x4651e0 mov %eax,0x20(%rsp)
0x4651e4 retq
0x4651e5 int3
0x4651e6 int3
0x4651e7 int3
0x4651e8 int3
0x4651e9 int3
0x4651ea int3
0x4651eb int3
0x4651ec int3
godbg> pmem --addr 0x4651e5 --count 1 --fmt x --size 1
read 1 bytes ok:cc
godbg> pmem --addr 0x4651e5 --count 4 --fmt x --size 1
read 4 bytes ok:cccccccc





godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt x --size 1
read 16 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   0x89   0x44   0x24   0x30   0xc3   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   
0x464fcb:   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   0xcc   

godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt x --size 2
read 32 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   0x4489   0x3024   0xccc3   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   
0x464fcb:   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0xcccc   0x8bcc   0x247c


godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt o --size 1
read 16 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   0211   0104   0044   0060   0303   0314   0314   0314   
0x464fcb:   0314   0314   0314   0314   0314   0314   0314   0314   

godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt o --size 2
read 32 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   0042211   0030044   0146303   0146314   0146314   0146314   0146314   0146314   
0x464fcb:   0146314   0146314   0146314   0146314   0146314   0146314   0105714   0022174


godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt b --size 1
read 16 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   10001001   01000100   00100100   00110000   
0x464fc7:   11000011   11001100   11001100   11001100   
0x464fcb:   11001100   11001100   11001100   11001100   
0x464fcf:   11001100   11001100   11001100   11001100   

godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt b --size 2
read 32 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   0100010010001001   0011000000100100   1100110011000011   1100110011001100   
0x464fc7:   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   
0x464fcb:   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   
0x464fcf:   1100110011001100   1100110011001100   1000101111001100   0010010001111100


godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt d --size 1
read 16 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   137   068   036   048   195   204   204   204   
0x464fcb:   204   204   204   204   204   204   204   204   

godbg> pmem --addr 0x464fc3 --count 16 --fmt d --size 2
read 32 bytes ok:
0x464fc3:   017545   012324   052419   052428   052428   052428   052428   052428   
0x464fcb:   052428   052428   052428   052428   052428   052428   035788   009340



ps: 这里prettyPrintMem逻辑实际上取自当初贡献给go-delve/delve的examinemem(x)命令。如您对字节序引起的数据转换感兴趣,可以对数据进行校验验证下正确性,通过16进制数据校验可能会更方便些。

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